A "Real" Pumpkin Farm

Hi Friends! 

My favorite month of October is coming to an end.

A couple of weeks ago, the "hubs" and me jumped into our car and 

drove north an hour or so to  

I have a lot of photos to share with you, so I won't bore you with 

too many more words.  I think this place speaks for itself. 

What a fun time we had that day! 

This was my first time visiting a "real" pumpkin patch/farm, and 

I had to laugh when I remembered 

living in Las Vegas and how excited I would get 

when the dusty, vacant lot next to the shopping center set up a 

pumpkin patch.  

You'd be out there, breaking a sweat picking out a pumpkin

because the desert hot sun was still in the 80's! Lol

WOW...things have certainly changed and I'm loving it! 

Hope you had a fun and lovely October too! 

Thanks for dropping by, and

have a safe and Happy Halloween! 



Just wonderful wonderful photos, thank you so much for sharing! x
TexWisGirl said…
what a beautiful place! quite different than a paved, hot parking lot. :)
Such a lovely, fun post, Becca! It makes me smile to see how happy you are in your new life in Seattle! And I am going to try that crockpot chili!
Wonderful fotos of this pumpkin farm. I love autumn....I always go to the pumpkin patches around here ....love the colors and all the shapes of the assorted pumpkins and such. Your pumpkins with the doilies look so pretty! I just got caught up on your blog.....awhhh kitty on the desk, how sweeeeet. Hope you are doing well...
have a good weekend!
You are so right...Fall was pretty lame in Las Vegas, lol! What a beautiful pumpkin patch! Looks like such a fun day!
Tracy said…
Be still my swooning heart... *sigh*... these autumn-drenched images are GORGEOUS, Becca! I so miss pumpkin farms and places like that... sadly, we don't have them here. I miss real Halloween. ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
What a lovely and fun place. Thank you for taking me there with you through your photos.
What a lovely and fun place. Thank you for taking me there with you through your photos.
What an amazing patch! Real pumpkin patches are hard to come by as are cut your own Christmas trees. We are actually considering starting a farm which will become our children's business. By the time the seedlings grow and are ready to cut, they'll be old enough to work it. In the meantime, pumpkins might not be a bad idea. Your post and photos are fantastic!!
CarolHart said…
I have been there before. It is a wonderful farm and you captured it beautifully in your images. So glad you enjoyed yourself there. Happy Friday!
Kate said…
Such lovely pumpkin shots! My favorite shot though is of the path through the corn field - wow!!!
Happy Halloween!!
Kate :}
Anonymous said…
It's beautiful! And here in South Texas, we're still breaking a sweat picking out pumpkins. It's in the high 80s low 90s. Where is the cool weather this year?
Lisa Gordon said…
Now that's a whole lotta pumpkins, Becca!!
What a wonderful place to visit. Than you for taking us along with you.

Have a great weekend!
Unknown said…
A real Pumpkin Patch is fun isn't it! I had so much fun last year in Portland! Your photos look beautiful my friend! It was nice catching up yesterday!

Caterina Giglio said…
As always, I so enjoy your photos ... what a stunning farm, and great to see it thru your artistic eye!
Saun said…
Hi Becca , looks like a fun place..... I really need to get my blog going again. I've been trying to post one a week..
Great series

Catherine said…
Fall is full of so many wonderful colors and sites isn't it? I wish it lasted longer out here on the prairies. Alas we are nothing but white now. I think it's here to stay now for a few months. Oh well.
Happy November Becca!
xo Catherine
Lorraine said…
fab photos..we went pumpking picking for the first time this year but the field only had a few pumpkins but we managed to get 5 decent ones..I like it that they are mis shapen and not perfect like in the shops
Beautiful images! Of course, I do possess a loving affinity for all winter squashes (and the autumnal landscape).

Thank you for sharing your world with us. Lovely!

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