The Art of Dancing in the Rain

Dear Friends...
Even though it's only been a week, it feels like an eternity since I've been here to share with you. 

In my last post I mentioned that I hoped to be showing you some "creativeness" that I've been up to, and  while I did manage to get a collage done that I will show you soon, this last work week has been a real "doozy." 
So instead, while I am on the mend this weekend from my week of turmoil, decisions and change I thought I'd rather share with you 
"the rain." 
If you've been following me for a while, you will know how much I love the rain.

During our visit to North Carolina I got to experience a downpour of sweet, refreshing, wash away all your stress...rain. 

The photos I took of my dear niece and nephew depict the playfulness of my soul.

I will be by this weekend to catch up with you all. 

Thank you always for your sweet words and friendship. 
I feel lucky to have this creative outlet to soothe my restless soul.



Justine said…
I absolutely love that noise of the rain and thunder in the background! love these shots and glad you got some rain.
hello gorgeous said…
hey gorgeous, rain is my ABSOLUTE favourite...especially when you are at the beach! It's SOOO refreshing and definitely blows all the cobwebs away...we are heading that way in a weeks time, and even tho' it's the summer holidays I am secretly wishing for rain!

If you're interested I have a little colour challenge over on my blog {} just for a bit of fun....first challenge I've thrown out! ha!

have a great weekend ;o)


hello gorgeous xxx
About caughtup!! What beautiful photos you have shared here and beyond. Love it when it rains. We are in need of some after 3 wks of terrible hot humid weather.
Tues I awoke to 65 degrees and I have been outside ever since. Lots of weeding, enjoying the county fair, lunches outdoors, walking and enjoying my bike rides.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Becca I hope all is well..xoxoxo
Anonymous said…
Loving the rain photos! It's overcast here this morning so hoping for some sprinkles, or better yet a downpour!!
TexWisGirl said…
last week we got 10 min. of sprinkles after zero rain for 2 months. i was out there soaking it into my skin just like your niece and nephew...
i LOVE the rain too!! and sure do MISS it! doin a rain dance here, in tennessee!!
happy weekend to you,
Darla said…
Rain like tears, a cleansing process.
Lovey said…
Oh the rain to wash all pains away...Finds a place in us all to be a kid again...playing in the it.
RURAL said…
I hope all is well with you Becca, I know it`s hard to know how much to share, and what to put in or leave out....

Great shots.

Jen Muddy Boot Dreams
Susan said…
Love the first shot of the “Brown-eyed Susan’s”. I miss the big rain storms as well! So refreshing!
Beautiful photos...I feel calm and cozy just looking at them!
Beautiful photos...I love seeing my NC rain through your eyes!
christina said…
only you could capture such playfulness... natures beauty.
Catherine said…
These photos are so wonderful Becca! To laugh and play in the rain like a child again would be a wonderful thing. Excellent!

Hope you are having a happy weekend!
xo Catherine
Rosie Grey said…
Wonderful photos, Becca, and I'm happy for you that you "found" some rain to enjoy! :-) Have a wonderful Sunday!
Unknown said…
So thats what rain looks like.. Wonderful photos my friend.. take care. I have been thinking about you hoping your OK...
lilylovekin said…
Love your photos as always. You captured the joy of summer rain so perfectly. I hope all is ok with you and that this coming week is better for you.
Anonymous said…
I came for a visit today and had a very good time. I love flowers and your pics are just lovely. The rain even looked like fun. It has been so hot and dry. I have a cat and she is my heart.Thanks for the visit.
JRandSue said…
Stunning captures.
Tracy said…
Aaahhh...that rain feels good! Lovely rainy day moments, Becca! Hope you have a better week now. :o) ((HUGS))
Lisa Gordon said…
I LOVE rain, and your photographs here show it so beautifully Becca!
ELK said…
refreshed indeed ~ love the series
Tyson Sieger said…
Ahhh! When I was young, I loved to dance under the rain. It makes you realize how much nature has to offer. The first drop of rain on my head leads to a feeling of fun and joy. This is what life is about. BTW! These photos are spectacular.

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