
"Hella what?"

Such was my initial reaction when I heard the name of this plant.

It seems there is a lot of anticipation and excitement

from gardeners in the area,

waiting for their Hellebores bloom.

It's like you see your garden begin to awaken

from the cold and dreary winter,

giving hope for Spring! 

My Hellebores here,  came from Costco,  a surprise from Russell.  

 I'll be putting them into a container to 

enjoy on the deck.

 However, my neighbor has a large area of them under a tree that is just 

beginning to bloom, so I'm sure I'll be over there with my 

camera soon. 

I'm having so much fun learning about gardening here in the

Pacific Northwest, and I was invited by my friends to join them

for the

Northwest Flower and Garden Show in Seattle

if you click on the link above, there is a wonderful video about the show!

I also found this free, botanical image on Wikipedia,  

for you to copy and enjoy. 

So, I'm off to enjoy the last bit of sunshine that we are having today.

It's supposed to be rainy again tomorrow...

I'm thinking a tea and crochet kind of day.  

Until next time...



TexWisGirl said…
beautiful macros of these sweet blooms!
Kate said…
Beautiful pictures!! The colors in that flower are so pretty!
Kate :}
Stunning photos, Becca...such a lovely flower!
Katy Noelle said…
You, too....!!! This is my first year with Hellebore but I've wanted to have a few plants for over a decade, now. Firstly, I didn't plant them because of the boys being so young - they're very poisonous. Then, I tried planting it but we moved and it didn't survive. Then, I couldn't find a plant under twenty five dollars and had to wait for the right moment! I planted two wee plants, last summer and they bloomed last fall! (Yes, they're supposed to be the first thing blooming under the snow, I've heard.) Anyway, they're beautiful flowers and I think you've done a beautiful job capturing them - you really have!!!! =]

Well, we'll see if mine survive this crazy winter we're having. =/

In the meantime, it's fun to hear you discovering your new clime! ;)

Looking forward to more gardens (and, how! They're beautiful up there! and, you know, you're just a hop, skip and a jump away from Butchart Gardens! =D)

Love to all of you!

Tracy said…
These are sooo pretty! I wish we had some in our garden. Our early plants are mostly crocuses. And it will be some time before we see some of those. ;o) Happy Week, Becca ((HUGS))
Tammy said…
Gorgeous hellebores! On the news they said that while certain areas would get snow, your area would get slammed with rain. Sounds like it isn't quite as bad as they predicted. But a rainy day with crochet and tea sounds like a winning combination to me. Enjoy! Best wishes, Tammy
Anonymous said…
love hellebores. So pretty Becca....almost prehistoric in their beauty. xox
GardenOfDaisies said…
I love these. My mom grows them in her garden. Sometimes people call them Christmas Roses.
RURAL said…
Ahhhh once Hellebore fever hits...there is no turning back.

That reminds me to go and look for some to plant here.

Beautiful photos! and since we will be trapped in winter for a long time yet, I really enjoyed the show! Thanks
Beautiful hellebores! They can get addicting, so I'm just warning you :).
I'm sure you will love the garden show, I look forward to it every year.
Caterina Giglio said…
oh lucky you! hellebores AND hydrangeas! fabulous! yes when we lived in Vegas we escaped to CA often, you just have to get the grit of Nevada off your feet now and then and find some green things... beautiful post!
Rosie Grey said…
Oh, I LOVE hellebores! Aren't they just gorgeous! Wonderful photos, Becca!
Have a great week and a happy Valentine's Day!
Lisa Gordon said…
These are gorgeous, Becca. I cannot wait to begin to see them here.
Unknown said…
I love seeing all your photos. These are beautiful flowers. I love seeing a bit of the area where my family lives. Thanks for sharing these.
Unknown said…
Those "Hella Whatevers" sure are pretty. They are going to look beautiful on your deck..

Catherine said…
I've never heard of this flower before. It sure is pretty! Hope you enjoyed your sunshine my friend!
xo Catherine
Justine said…
stunning pictures and I bet the smell is amazing, a real sign of spring

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