My Secret Garden Path

This little garden path along the side of our house was overgrown with weeds 

when we first moved in. 

It's such a lovely area with an arbor and trees on each side that can been seen from 

a window in my craft room. 

Now that we got rid of all the weeds, we made a little pathway.

My neighbor, Priscilla shared (and planted) some of her own ground cover in between the stones

along our new, garden path.

She tells me that next year I will be trimming these little, delicate plants away from the stones.

I'm still so skeptical about planting something in the ground and thinking it will grow.

That's what growing up in the desert will do to you. :-) 

There's just something so special about walking along this garden path and

under the arbor to the lower yard.

It makes me feel like I have my very own little

secret garden. 

I've decorated the trees with some colorful, glass,

garden art.

On a sunny day, they twinkle and glisten in the light...

...and on those gray and rainy days,

they add a little color and inspiration for my soul.

I love this piece...

it used to hang in the courtyard of my desert home.

It's a joy to remember it there, and now see it in our new

surroundings here.  

Do you have a favorite piece of garden art?

Do share! 



TexWisGirl said…
i know you love all the greenery and moisture you are getting there. :)

besides a concrete pagoda in our yard, i like our big old iron, rusted gazebo. i'm trying to get vines to grow on it, but it is slow in the texas heat and drought. :)
Dianne said…
What a beautiful pathway... So lush and green overhead. It will be even more lovely when the ground cover grows in! Love it! My favorite piece of garden art is a clay bell I made in a pottery class.
Unknown said…
Looks like you're settling nicely. Making your home so pretty. LOVE your photos and the pretty colors of your wind chimes..

Snap said…
You are going to have so much fun in your garden ... it will be a wonderful adventure! Love the glass *danglies*!!!!!
Judy S. said…
Gosh, you've sure done a lot already! Love the path. What's the groundcover? It's pretty; looks very delicate. We love our gurgling fountain......
Oh it is all so green and wonderful! So peaceful and lovely!
RURAL said…
Becca, absolutely lovely, so green and lush.

I love your little path, and had to giggle at the ground's it classified as a weed, but I love to see it growing in my grass. Those bright blue flowers are so pretty. I think it is a type of Pratia, or Blue Star creeper. But I could be wrong, either way it's lovely, and so is your path.

Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams
Susan said…
How pretty! I love all of the color. I'm currently dreaming of some garden re-work of our own.
Connie said…
Your new garden is beautiful and I can just imagine how pretty your garden art is when the sun is hitting it. Hey, it's pretty even in the shade. Love your path.
Thank you for sharing.
Connie :)
your idea is good, keep it up. people like different activity. I love your idea. Don't forget that funny is happiness.
Catherine said…
What a terrific little garden path Becca! With all the pretty green and lovely wind chimes and colors, it is looking like you have yourself a little piece of heaven! Beautiful!
xo Catherine
andrea creates said…
it's all so pretty and relaxing looking!
you're going to have so much fun planting new flowers :)
Unknown said…
I love your garden path and all your garden art. I would love to have a little area like that at my house. I love seeing your pictures, so thanks for sharing.
Lisa Graham said…
Becca this is so beautiful...your pretty stone path and all your pretty garden art. Can I come over for tea? :)
Lisa Graham said…
I forgot to mention how much I love your new banner on your blog! It looks so great Becca!!
Caterina Giglio said…
lovely pathway, you did a splendid job. there is something so satisfying about reclaiming property and creating beauty...
Anonymous said…
Ooh, I love your garden art! All that beautiful glass...looks like a special place, that secret garden.
Your secret garden is so very beautiful and a sight for sore eyes. Over here in desert country, it's a struggle just to keep things alive. :/ Hope your day is a good one. Tammy
Gillian Olson said…
The pathway leading to your secret garden is inviting and the glas and bead decorations are wonderful.
Tracy said…
Your corner of the world is a little piece of paradise, Becca! I love all your many, colorful wind chimes! I love such things, and have two...but I don't have them up currently. We've had terrible weather this summer, often with gale-force winds. Oh, and must day, LOVE your new banner--it's very YOU! :o) Lovely to catch up with you after a brief hiatus! Happy Weekend ((HUGS)) P.S. So glad you enjoyed the newsletter so much.
Katy Noelle said…
Oh, Becca! I've been 'gone' for a little while (in my garden, actually - all summer! =]) and the very last I saw, you were on your way! Now, you're quite 'there' and settled in, apparently. How wonderful! and HOW LUSH! You must just be loving it! and a garden!!! and it's so restful to visit - with the sound of the birds and the windchimes, I feel like I'm acatually there walking down your path.

So good to visit! Now, off I go to catch up! =] I'm so happy for you!

Jillayne said…
Your pathway is beautiful and will be so charming next year when the little plants grow - and yes, they will!
I learned that the hard way when we moved down here from the Yukon. To get a beautiful full flowerbed there you had to plant everything extremely close together and I thought that was how it was done everywhere; the first year here I killed more than half my plants by over-crowding them!
I'm happy to hear you are enjoying your new surroundings Becca!

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